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How to generate quick revenue
Learn how to makes a sale when your marketing budget is gone
If you’re a business with a small marketing budget, chances are that you’ll be looking to generate some quick revenue at some point, and you’ll have little to no money to spend on marketing. I’ve been there.
When your brand needs to generate cash quickly, one of the first ideas might be, “Let’s run a big promotion!”
But sending discount offers to your entire customer base every time you need to hit a revenue goal can lead to discount fatigue and damage to your brand’s reputation.
Instead, focus on targeted strategies to drive revenue without overwhelming your audience. Here’s one of my favorites:
Segmentation and Resends for Quick Cashflow
The example I’ll share involves email marketing, but you can do this with traditional mailings, SMS marketing, phone calls, or anything else you can think of. If you have data on your customers, there’s probably a way you can use it to reach different people with different offers.
Once you have your data in front of you, here’s the plan: