Member-only story
Good SEO starts with the problem
Ask yourself this question and build around your focus keyword
Getting found on the internet is about being in the right place.
People are going to search for something and you’ll be the one who gets the traffic, if your content shows up in the results and is convincing enough to generate a click.
You can spend hours learning about SEO (something you should definitely do if you’re interested in content marketing) or pay people to help you optimize your content for search engines.
You can also try this simple trick with your content to start.
How are people going to ask for help solving their problem
Ask yourself the question, “What problem does my content solve and how are people with that problem going to ask a search engine for help?” Once you do this, you can start generating a list of search terms you want to be found under, eventually settling on a focus keyword.
A focus keyword according to RankMath is “ simply the search term you want your post or page to be ranked for in the search engines. So when the audience looks out for that specific phrase or keyword in the search engines, they should probably locate you.”